Summer is coming, are you ready for it ?
If you want to be slim and fit in the summer, you'd better take
action now! It is the perfect timing to start your weight-lose plan now!!
We Are Telling You Now...
Sun blocks and sun screens are going to go the way of fluoride and
amalgam. You may still be exposed to it, but all of them are on the way out.
Research on current popular sun screens and blocks are finding out that the
chemicals used to block the UV rays may be more carcinogenic than over
exposure to the sun. Furthermore, while you may not show a burn, the rays that
do damage your skin over time are not being blocked.
Of course the best way to handle exposure to the sun is have healthy skin and
not get too exposed so that you burn. Supplementspot's S2 Tanning Oil is the
first tanning oil rich in green tea extract. It is also designed to be used
year round both indoors and outside.
Supplementspot's S2 Tanning Oil nurtures your skin naturally with vitamin
ladened oils so that you can enjoy being in the sun and at the beach or pool
without a coating of chemicals now shown not to work in your long term best
interest. Supplementspot advises prudence when in the sun and to cover up with
hat and cotton clothes when you show signs of burning. S2 Aloe Vera Gel makes
for a great follow up after a day in the sun.